Can we discuss the 2024 Colors of the Year?

Hey fabulous interior design lovers! Today, we want to chat about something we enjoy every year – the unveiling of Colors of the Year. Now that Pantone has announced its peachy pick, the 2024 colors are in.
And just like 2023 and every year before that, we had a good time debating these choices at Crewe & Drake HQ.
Let's dive into a few specifics.
Here is Pantone's Peach Fuzz executed in a partnership with Spoonflower. We've spent hundreds of hours deep in the various Pantone books over the years, so we're always curious to see their pick.
Behr went dark and moody with Cracked Pepper.
Sherwin Williams rocked the easy breezy vibes with Upward.
Benjamin Moore was also feeling blue with Blue Nova.
And these are just a sampling of the companies that release these each year.
While we love looking at these big reveals and debating their merits (or lack thereof), we're more interested in what you think.
What's your take on this annual color tradition? Does it inspire you to freshen up a space? Or to go bold with color in your home? Or does it pass you by completely?
Cheers to creating timeless, personal and beautiful - and colorful - spaces! 🌈✨
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